(Gjelder kun vareforsendelser i Norge)
(Please note! The Norwegian version of our "Shipping Policy" only applies to our Norwegian Customers. If you reside outside Norway please scroll further down and read the English Version of our "Shipping Policy")
Og leveringen tar vanligvis 3-5 virkedager fra pakken er sendt fra oss, avhengig av hvor i landet du bor. Alle varer sendes som forsikret post. Lagervarer vil vanligvis bli sendt ut innen 3 virkedager etter at bestilling er mottatt.
Du vil motta et sporingsnummer som du kan bruke til å spore pakken. Posten vil sende deg en sms når pakken ankommer ditt lokale hentested. Det vil ikke bli lagt en hentelapp i postkassen din.
levering innen 3-5 virkedager
Vær oppmerksom på at leveringstiden vår kun skal brukes som en guide og er basert på tid fra utsendelse.
Arktous tar ingen ansvar for forsinkelser som beror på feil fra Posten, vi vil derimot gjøre vårt ytterste for å minimere potensielle forsinkelser.
Etter å ha bestilt, vil du motta en e-post som inneholder alle detaljene. Vi kan også ta kontakt hvis vi trenger ytterligere informasjon for å bekrefte betalingen din. Når bestillingen er bekreftet, sendes den innen 3 virkedager.
Avhengig av hvor du bor, tar levering 3-5 virkedager etter at den er sendt. Du vil motta et sporingsnummer via e-post slik at du kan følge bestillingen din.
(This only applies for customers residing outside Norway)
(Vennligst legg merke til at den engelske versjonen kun gjelder for utenlandske forsendelser)
Arktous orders are delivered Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm, subject to local delivery. As every order is unique, shipping costs will vary depending on the size, weight and destination of your chosen items.
We will choose the most efficient express service for your location.
Couriers used: DHL, UPS, FedEx, Posten and Bring
Europe: delivery within 2-4 business days
USA: delivery within 5-7 days
Rest of the world: delivery within 7-14 days
Please keep in mind that our shipping times should be used as a guide only and are based on time from dispatch.
Arktous cannot take responsibility for customs clearance delays or failed payment approval, though we will try to minimize any potential delays.
After placing an order, you will receive an email containing all the details. We may also be in touch if we need further information to verify your payment. Once your order is confirmed, it will be dispatched within 3 business days.
Depending on your location, delivery takes 2-14 business days after it's dispatched. You will receive a tracking number by email so you can follow your order.
You are responsible to any local duties or taxes that might be added to the order.
If you are ordering from within your own customs zone or country, import duties will not be applicable however you may need to pay VAT or local sales taxes.
The price you pay to Arktous will exclude all relevant import duties and sales taxes. As the recipient of the order, you must instead pay these duties and taxes directly to our carrier to release your order from customs. As we are unable to advise the exact amount, we recommend contacting your local customs office or tax authority before placing a DAP (Delivered-at-Place) order.
For international orders shipped to customers in the US, please be aware that US Customs may ask for your IRS, EIN or SSN number before enabling delivery to your address. You will normally have one week to provide this information before your order is returned to Arktous.
Please view our "Terms and Conditions" for further information.